Minimaliseert overspray en zuigt overtollige spray tan vloeistof af om ervoor te zorgen dat de ruimte schone lucht heeft
Lichtgewicht ontwerp voor professioneel salon-, mobiel of thuisgebruik
Gemakkelijk verwijderbare filters
Geschikt voor salons met beperkte ruimte of mobiele spray tans
The Tan.Wave Unit is a portable clean air extraction and ventilation system using Micro-Whirlwind Technology, perfect for mobile tanners, professional salons or in your home. Powerful enough to extract overspray solution in any room, the lightweight unit includes a handle and is ideal for small spaces or for mobile use. The Tan.Wave extraction system works by extracting the moisture (and any troublesome tanning solution) from the air before it travels throughout the room- protecting the health and safety of both the customers and the staff, giving you simply, a breath of fresh air.
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